Kellemes hangulatban telt a hét első kereskedési napja az amerikai tőzsdén, a vezető részvényindexek emelkedéssel kezdték a hetet.

The Charging Bull Sculpture In New YorkThe Charging Bull bronze sculpture, also known as Wall Street Bull or Bowling Green Bull in New York City with tourists around taking photos of it as it is a landmark, a tourist destination, a popular attraction and symbol for Wall Street and Financial District as well with aggressive financial optimism and prosperity, wealth and luck, located on Broadway at the Financial District of Manhattan. It was created by Arturo Di Modica in 1989. New York, USA on November 2019 (Photo by Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto) (Photo by Nicolas Economou / NurPhoto / NurPhoto via AFP)
Fotó:  AFP

A Dow Jones indexe 0,59 százalékkal 38 333 pontra, az S&P 500 mutatója 0,77 százalékkal 4 928 pontra, míg a Nasdaq indexe 1,12 százalékkal 15 628 pontra erősödött.