BÉT logóÁrfolyamok: 15 perccel késleltetett adatok
Farmers burn hay and tires during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)

Ismét elfoglalták Brüsszelt a traktorok – betonakadályokkal és szögesdróttal védik az Európai Unió épületét

A támogatások nyolcvan százalékát a nagygazdaságok kapják, a kis családi vagy közepes vállalkozásoknak szinte semmi sem marad.

Reggel hat órától forgalmi korlátozásokat vezettek be Brüsszel belvárosában, az Európai Unió épülete köré betonakadályokat és szögesdrótot telepítettek, a bürokrácia és az olcsó import jelentette verseny miatt dühös gazdák ugyanis ismét tiltakoznak.

Farmers burn hay and tires during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Néhány gumit és némi szalmát a rendőri készültség ellenére felgyújtottak Brüsszelben.
Fotó: Benoit Doppagne / BELGA MAG / AFP

A The Brussels Times tudósítása szerint a megmozdulást a dél-belgiumi mezőgazdasági szövetség szervezi, és az uniós agrárminiszterek tanácskozásához időzítették. Így akarják kifejezni, hogy mennyire elégedetlenek azokkal az intézkedésekkel, amelyeket az Európai Bizottság hozott azóta, hogy a gazdák tiltakozni kezdtek Európa-szerte, Németországtól kezdve Franciaországon és Lengyelországon át Spanyolországig.

A gazdák ennél többet akarnak: az uniós szabad kereskedelmi egyezmények felmondását, a Dél-amerikai Közös Piaccal (Mercosur) folytatott hasonló tárgyalások leállítását, valamint garanciát az ágazat támogatására a közös agrárpolitikán (KAP) keresztül.

A lap emlékeztetett, hogy az EU-ban mintegy tízmillió embert foglalkoztat a mezőgazdaság, a jelenlegi, 2027-ig tartó hétéves költségvetésben 386,6 milliárd eurót, a teljes büdzsé harmadát a KAP-ra fordítják. (Egy euró 389,2 forint.)

A baj nem is annyira a támogatás összegével van, hanem inkább azzal, hogy a 20 százalékot kitevő nagygazdaságok kapják a 80 százalékát, a kis családi vagy közepes vállalkozásoknak szinte semmi sem marad.

Az AP amerikai hírügynökség helyszíni tudósítása szerint nem csupán betonakadályok és szögesdrót védi az EU főhadiszállását, hanem nagy számban vezényeltek ki rohamrendőröket is. A gazdák egy egész teherautónyi abroncsot borítottak az útra pár száz méterre az épülettől, és a rendőrök megjelentek vízágyúkkal, még mielőtt felgyújtották volna a halmot.

Farmers burn hay and tires during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Farmers on their tractors take part in a protest called by the farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, on February 26, 2024. Farmers across Europe have been protesting for weeks over what they say are excessively restrictive environmental rules, competition from cheap imports from outside the European Union and low incomes. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
Tractors pictured in the early morning during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Hay pictured during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
France, Paris, 2024-02-23. Sign THE LAND BELONGS TO THOSE WHO FEED US. Farmers protest one day before the opening of the Paris agriculture fair. Photography by Laure Boyer / Hans Lucas.France, Paris, 2024-02-23. Pancarte LA TERRE APPARTIENT A CEUX QUI NOUS NOURRISSENT. Manifestation d agriculteurs de la Coordination rurale la veille de l ouverture du Salon de l Agriculture de Paris. Place Vauban, 15e arrondissement. Photographie par Laure Boyer / Hans Lucas. (Photo by Laure Boyer / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP)
Farmers burn hay and tires during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Farmers on their tractors take part in a protest called by the farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, in response to the European Agriculture Council, on "rue de la Loi" in Brussels, on February 26, 2024. Farmers across Europe have been protesting for weeks over what they say are excessively restrictive environmental rules, competition from cheap imports from outside the European Union and low incomes. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
Riot police forces use water cannon at farmers during a protest called by the farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, on February 26, 2024. Farmers across Europe have been protesting for weeks over what they say are excessively restrictive environmental rules, competition from cheap imports from outside the European Union and low incomes. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
Demonstrators pictured during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Farmers burn hay and tires during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Farmers on their tractors take part in a protest called by the farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, on February 26, 2024. Farmers across Europe have been protesting for weeks over what they say are excessively restrictive environmental rules, competition from cheap imports from outside the European Union and low incomes. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
Tractors pictured in the early morning during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Hay pictured during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
France, Paris, 2024-02-23. Sign THE LAND BELONGS TO THOSE WHO FEED US. Farmers protest one day before the opening of the Paris agriculture fair. Photography by Laure Boyer / Hans Lucas.France, Paris, 2024-02-23. Pancarte LA TERRE APPARTIENT A CEUX QUI NOUS NOURRISSENT. Manifestation d agriculteurs de la Coordination rurale la veille de l ouverture du Salon de l Agriculture de Paris. Place Vauban, 15e arrondissement. Photographie par Laure Boyer / Hans Lucas. (Photo by Laure Boyer / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP)
Farmers burn hay and tires during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Farmers on their tractors take part in a protest called by the farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, in response to the European Agriculture Council, on "rue de la Loi" in Brussels, on February 26, 2024. Farmers across Europe have been protesting for weeks over what they say are excessively restrictive environmental rules, competition from cheap imports from outside the European Union and low incomes. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
Riot police forces use water cannon at farmers during a protest called by the farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, on February 26, 2024. Farmers across Europe have been protesting for weeks over what they say are excessively restrictive environmental rules, competition from cheap imports from outside the European Union and low incomes. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
Demonstrators pictured during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Farmers burn hay and tires during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Farmers on their tractors take part in a protest called by the farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, on February 26, 2024. Farmers across Europe have been protesting for weeks over what they say are excessively restrictive environmental rules, competition from cheap imports from outside the European Union and low incomes. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
Tractors pictured in the early morning during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Hay pictured during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
France, Paris, 2024-02-23. Sign THE LAND BELONGS TO THOSE WHO FEED US. Farmers protest one day before the opening of the Paris agriculture fair. Photography by Laure Boyer / Hans Lucas.France, Paris, 2024-02-23. Pancarte LA TERRE APPARTIENT A CEUX QUI NOUS NOURRISSENT. Manifestation d agriculteurs de la Coordination rurale la veille de l ouverture du Salon de l Agriculture de Paris. Place Vauban, 15e arrondissement. Photographie par Laure Boyer / Hans Lucas. (Photo by Laure Boyer / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP)
Farmers burn hay and tires during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)
Farmers on their tractors take part in a protest called by the farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, in response to the European Agriculture Council, on "rue de la Loi" in Brussels, on February 26, 2024. Farmers across Europe have been protesting for weeks over what they say are excessively restrictive environmental rules, competition from cheap imports from outside the European Union and low incomes. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
Riot police forces use water cannon at farmers during a protest called by the farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, on February 26, 2024. Farmers across Europe have been protesting for weeks over what they say are excessively restrictive environmental rules, competition from cheap imports from outside the European Union and low incomes. (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / Belga / AFP) / Belgium OUT
Demonstrators pictured during a protest action of farmers' organizations 'Federation Unie de Groupements d'Eleveurs et d'Agriculteurs' (FUGEA), Boerenforum and MAP, organized in response to the European Agriculture Council, in Brussels, Monday 26 February 2024. Farmers continue their protest across Europe as they demand better conditions to grow, produce and maintain a proper income.BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE (Photo by BENOIT DOPPAGNE / BELGA MAG / Belga via AFP)


A hónap elején egy hasonló tüntetések szalmabálákat égettek, tojásokkal és petárdákkal dobálták meg a rendőröket. A hétvégén fújolással és füttyel fogadták Emmanuel Macron francia elnököt a mezőgazdasági kiállításon, közösségi oldalak beszámolói szerint meg is kergették.

„Nem vesznek tudomást rólunk” – panaszkodott a hírügynökségnek  Marieke Van De Vivere, egy Gent közeli gazdaság tulajdonosa. Azt kéri a miniszterektől, hogy „legyenek észszerűek velünk, jöjjenek velünk egy napra, amikor a mezőn dolgozunk, vagy a lovakkal, vagy az állatokkal, hogy lássák, hogy ez nem túl könnyű... a szabályok miatt, amelyeket ránk kényszerítenek”. 


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